하나님 체험과 영성지도


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book introduction
Faith that does not experience God on its own is always insufficient. This book is written with the goal of living a life of faith in which true love can grow and mature through spiritual practice of meeting God in spirit. The author emphasizes the virtuous cycle of spiritual guidance and training, which seeks to harmonize a clear body and spirit body by removing the depravity within.

The most important thing for believers is to experience God. Because in that case, you can lead a lively life of faith. So, realizing that spiritual guidance to experience God is very important, I published a booklet called “God Experience and Spirituality Map”. This book has been written for four purposes. The first is for the deepening of 《True Love Meditation》 published in November 2015. In order to practice true love, we need to meet God who is love. Therefore, if we learn about God's experience and have experiential faith, we will experience various phenomena, so discernment of the spirit is necessary.

The second is to emphasize experiential religious education for the children of 2nd and 3rd years of blessed families. Let's take two examples. One is the story of my second son. About 10 years ago, when he turned 40, he looked at me and said, “Father! My father is the faith I chose for myself, and I am the one I follow. Don't expect your chosen faith to be the same as the one I follow.” I felt like I was hit in the back with red sesame seeds out of nowhere. From a young age, I had a trusting heart as I watched churches, church schools, and various retreats without exception. I realized that it was a big mistake for not allowing him to experience God so that he could have subjective and active faith. But the time has already passed. I had no choice but to regret it. He was living a busy life as the head of a family, and he did not have the means to do so.
The second story is that I stayed for a month in the dormitory of Sunmoon University Cheonan Campus to write a 'Spiritual Series'. One morning when I came out of the front door, I found that the front door was completely damaged. I asked the manager why. It was said that a Japanese student came after drinking alcohol and beat him. He said it was because his parents forced him to go to study abroad, which he did not want to come. It was an opportunity to experience God and realize that it was because I did not receive the faith education that I chose, active and creative.

Third, I realized that my spirituality would not grow unless I practiced spiritually. No matter how long he had lived his life of faith, spirituality, that is, the growth and maturity of true love, was not achieved. The reason was that the good disposition of God could not enter as long as there was depravity in me. If the self-centered and selfish nature is first, then other-centered, selfless love cannot enter. Because good and evil are polar opposites, they cannot coexist. I realized that true love can take its place only when the depravity in my heart is cleansed. Therefore, spiritual training is essential in the life of faith.

Fourth, we need the advice of experienced people for spiritual training. In particular, in the house church era, the professional guidance of church leaders has become very important. Therefore, I came to explain the guidance of the True Love Meditation.
Prologue Revolutionary Great Transformation of the Era

Chapter 1 What is the experience of God?
1. Self-chosen faith
2. God Experience
3. How to experience God

Chapter 2 The Mystery of Man
1. The structure and function of the human body
2. The structure and function of the soul
3. Harmony of body and spirit

Chapter 3 God's Mode of Being
1. God in Spirit
2. God as the Source of Existence
3. God's Transcendence and Immanence

Chapter 4 Spiritual Training
1. What is Spirituality
2. Spiritual training and spiritual growth
3. Consciousness and lifestyle of spirituality

Chapter 5 Identification of Spirits
1. Identification of the Spirit
2. Spirit Forms and Activities
3. Spiritual discernment
4. The human soul

Chapter 6 Spiritual Guidance
1. What is spiritual guidance
2. Spiritual Leader
3. Recipient of guidance
4. Spiritual guidance of experienced spiritual phenomena

Result of epilogue spiritual practice (fruit of God experience)
1. Completion of Love
2. Realization of the wholeness of spirituality
3. Living as the Body of God
4. Experience of Cosmic Consciousness
5. Can I have the same mysterious experience?
Product Details
Product Name 하나님 체험과 영성지도
Price $11.09
Size 신국판
Weight 이재석
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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배송조건 : 3만원 이상 무료배송 / 3만원 미만 3,000원 별도


상품 상태에는 많은 신경을 쓰고 있습니다만, 파손 또는 불량의 경우 상품 도착 후 7일 이내에
천원사(전화:02-701-0110, 이메일로 연락해주십시오.

다음의 경우 교환, 반품이 안 됩니다

  • 고객님의 변심 또는 필요 이상의 주문으로 인한 반품
  • 고객님의 과실에 의한 파손된 상품
  • 상품도착 후 7일 이상 날짜가 지났을 경우

교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
교환/환불 가능 기간
고객변심은 출고완료 다음날부터 7일 까지만 교환/환불이 가능함
교환/환불 비용
고객변심 또는 구매착오의 경우에만 반품에 대한 택배비는 고객님이 부담함
교환/환불 불가사유
반품접수 없이 반송하거나, 우편으로 보낼 경우 상품 확인이 어려워 환불이 불가할 수 있음
배송된 상품의 분실, 상품포장이 훼손된 경우, 비닐랩핑된 상품의 비닐 개봉시 교환/반품이 불가능함

소비자 피해보상
소비자 피해보상의 분쟁처리 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁해결기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 비해 보상 받을 수 있음
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