심정문화세계와 멀티미디어


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book introduction
The driving force that made Hyo-Jin Moon visit Belvedere Studios 365 days a year was the world of true love that she wanted to live for. It contains the will and heart of Hyo-Jin Moon, who has been working hard every moment of every day to be of a little help to True Parents and to leave an example to the family and the next generation as a heartfelt older brother.

Hyojin-nim said, “The greatest sacrifices we can offer to God and True Parents are culture and art,” and he treated life with the spirit of “Work and die!” to become the best. He tried to analyze the causes of religious problems as well as personal, family, and social problems, and to develop a practical movement along with suggesting alternatives through multimedia based on true love. Although many years have passed since Hyojin-nim's holy fire, Hyojin-nim's sharp analysis and words encompassing the times show the way to change and transform into the absolute world of the original culture of the heart through the medium of the other world called multimedia. are presenting. Hyojin's lifelong hope and passion, who devoted her life to the providence of multimedia, will remain as valuable teachings and realizations in our community as well as in history.
Hyojin-nim’s words, “I am doing this to die, not to live” (The World of Hearts and Multimedia, 264) resonate in our hearts. Hyojin-nim, who not only spoke but showed the way of filial piety with a practical life, True Mother’s words of longing for Hyojin-nim like that of a stone thrown into a calm lake ripples to the end of the lake. It echoes and remains as a deep resonance.
“The filial piety is mine.”

Part 1 The Manhattan Center and Multimedia
2. The Expansion of Providence and Multimedia
3. Broadcasting World and Multimedia

Part 2 Multimedia and Culture and Arts
1. The future is the world of culture and art
2. Art is endless self-creation
3. Music is a harmony of 12 sound waves
4. The foundation of music is sound, not image

Part 3 Glory is death, suffering in life
1. Sacrifice for something greater
2. Let's always pursue more
3. Fulfilling responsibilities through sacrifice
4. To win, you have to live like a machine

Part 4 The formula for a victorious life
1. To be ahead in quantity, quality and speed
2. We must overcome boredom and exhaustion
3. Become the best expert in your field
4. A clear sense of purpose and endless development
long dress product image-S1L10
Product Details
Product Name 심정문화세계와 멀티미디어
Price $12.94
Size 신국판
Weight 문효진
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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상품 상태에는 많은 신경을 쓰고 있습니다만, 파손 또는 불량의 경우 상품 도착 후 7일 이내에
천원사(전화:02-701-0110, 이메일로 연락해주십시오.

다음의 경우 교환, 반품이 안 됩니다

  • 고객님의 변심 또는 필요 이상의 주문으로 인한 반품
  • 고객님의 과실에 의한 파손된 상품
  • 상품도착 후 7일 이상 날짜가 지났을 경우

교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
교환/환불 가능 기간
고객변심은 출고완료 다음날부터 7일 까지만 교환/환불이 가능함
교환/환불 비용
고객변심 또는 구매착오의 경우에만 반품에 대한 택배비는 고객님이 부담함
교환/환불 불가사유
반품접수 없이 반송하거나, 우편으로 보낼 경우 상품 확인이 어려워 환불이 불가할 수 있음
배송된 상품의 분실, 상품포장이 훼손된 경우, 비닐랩핑된 상품의 비닐 개봉시 교환/반품이 불가능함

소비자 피해보상
소비자 피해보상의 분쟁처리 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁해결기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 비해 보상 받을 수 있음
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도매상 및 제작사 사정에 따라 품절/절판 등의 사유로 주문이 취소될 수 있음  

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