생활과 종교 고등학교


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book introduction
The Spiritual Association for the Unification of World Christianity first published a religious textbook in 1996. In 2010, the system was revised according to the 'Life and Religion' curriculum established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and revised to meet the needs of high school students.

Edition 190×260 / 280 pages / Issued on December 31, 2020

Modern society has achieved a rich material civilization along with the development of science. Life has become more comfortable and convenient, but traditional values and ethics have declined, and the spiritual world has been devastated. Religion plays an important role in the formation of values and ethics.
This textbook is designed to introduce the basics of religion so that high school students can form a sound religious view. Units I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII explored the general content of religion extensively, and Units VIII and IX focused on the views of the Bible and the Principles to examine the will of God and the providence of salvation. arranged. This is summarized for each section as follows.

I. In 'Man and Religion', the ultimate question of man, the encounter with religion to answer this question, knowledge and belief, and the meaning of religion were dealt with.
II. In 'Understanding Religious Phenomenon', various life problems, religious view of universe, history, and life, the meaning and interpretation of scriptures, and the meaning of religious ceremonies were examined.
Ⅲ. In 'Different Religious Traditions and Spirits of the Scriptures', the diversity and commonality of religions were examined, and moral standards and conscience were explained.
IV. In 'Religious Understanding of Man and Nature', various understandings of man, religious view of man, religious view of nature, and the relationship between religion and science were dealt with.
Ⅴ. In 'World's Religions and Cultures', the background, founders, and major scriptures and teachings of the most influential religions in the world today were examined.
Ⅵ. In 'Korea's Religion and Culture', traditional folk beliefs were examined, and Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Christianity were accepted, and major new religions in Korea and their characteristics were dealt with.
VII. In 'Understanding Religious Communities', we looked at the representative communities of the world's major religious traditions. In addition, the function of religion, the task of dialogue and coexistence between religions, and the formation of personality through religious life were explained.
Ⅷ. In 'God's Creation and Man's Fall', the original world of creation and the real world of sin were dealt with. First, the world created in the likeness of God, the give-and-take action, the purpose of man's creation, the earthly world and the spiritual world are summarized. Next, the contradiction between good and evil and the fall of human ancestors were discussed.
Ⅸ. 'God's Providence and History of Salvation' dealt with the salvation events and the repetition of history, centering on the main figures in the history of providence. He also explained what God's will was for the Korean people.
The Spiritual Association for the Unification of World Christianity first published a religious textbook in 1996. Now it is amended and published. According to the 'Life and Religion' curriculum established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the system was reorganized and revised to meet the needs of high school students.
I. man and religion
1. The ultimate question and problem
2. Encounter with Religion
3. Knowing and believing
4. The meaning and role of religion

II. understanding of religious phenomena
1. Multiple life problems
2. Space Hall, History Hall, Life and Life Hall
3. Meaning and Interpretation of the Scriptures
4, religious rites and norms

Ⅲ. The spirit of various religious traditions and scriptures
1. Diverse Paths to the Truth
2. Ultimate Reality
3. Conscience and moral life
4. Life for others

IV. Religious understanding of man and nature
1. Diverse human views
2. Religious view of humanity
3. Religious view of nature
4. Religion and Science

Ⅴ. world religions and cultures
1. Confucianism
2. Taoism
3. Buddhism
4. Christianity
5. Islam
6. Hinduism

Product Details
Product Name 생활과 종교 고등학교
Price $10.00
Size 190X260mm
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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배송조건 : 3만원 이상 무료배송 / 3만원 미만 3,000원 별도


상품 상태에는 많은 신경을 쓰고 있습니다만, 파손 또는 불량의 경우 상품 도착 후 7일 이내에
천원사(전화:02-701-0110, 이메일로 연락해주십시오.

다음의 경우 교환, 반품이 안 됩니다

  • 고객님의 변심 또는 필요 이상의 주문으로 인한 반품
  • 고객님의 과실에 의한 파손된 상품
  • 상품도착 후 7일 이상 날짜가 지났을 경우

교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
교환/환불 가능 기간
고객변심은 출고완료 다음날부터 7일 까지만 교환/환불이 가능함
교환/환불 비용
고객변심 또는 구매착오의 경우에만 반품에 대한 택배비는 고객님이 부담함
교환/환불 불가사유
반품접수 없이 반송하거나, 우편으로 보낼 경우 상품 확인이 어려워 환불이 불가할 수 있음
배송된 상품의 분실, 상품포장이 훼손된 경우, 비닐랩핑된 상품의 비닐 개봉시 교환/반품이 불가능함

소비자 피해보상
소비자 피해보상의 분쟁처리 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁해결기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 비해 보상 받을 수 있음
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