문선명·한학자 총재는 누구인가


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book introduction
This book introduces Sun Myung Moon, Hak Ja Han, and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification with 50 questions and answers. The questions ranged from popular questions about family unity to theological questions, world problems, and visions for peace, and the answers were written in an easy-to-understand manner as much as possible. After the answers to each question, the words of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are attached as reference materials.

New version / 224 pages / Issued on May 1, 2019

There are people who have dedicated their lives to realizing the vision of 'one family under one God'. There is also a person who has devoted his whole life to realizing that will silently amidst the prejudice and persecution of society. This is Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, the Presidents of the Republic of Korea. How should we view them? Some call them 'saints of true love' and 'patriots', while others who are caught up in religious dogma accuse them of 'heretical leaders'. The members of the Unification Church (now the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, hereafter referred to as the Family Federation) confess that they are 'Savior, Messiah, Second Coming Lord, True Parents'.
Although they started in Korea and laid the foundation for global missions in a short period of time and made great achievements to achieve a world of peace, there is still a tendency in Korean society to look down on both of them and the Unification Church.
Even though they lived for the heavens, people, and country more than anyone else, they were criticized for deifying themselves, and because the root of sin is infidelity, they teach a pure life than anyone else. However, the Unification Church had to suffer from malicious rumors of an 'obscene group' for a long time. Even though he risked his life for reconciliation and peace on the Korean Peninsula and opened the road to unification by meeting President Kim Il-sung, he suffered persecution from the then government. It was caused by preconceived notions, prejudices, and theological dogma toward the two of them, and I think it was caused by a lack of understanding of putting everything into practice to achieve a world of symbiosis, co-prosperity, and symbiosis in all fields around the world.
This book introduces the content you want to know about the two of you and what you want to know about the family union with 50 questions and answers in an easy-to-understand way for readers. The question-and-answer conversation is expected to help you quickly and correctly understand the couple and the Family Coalition, as they faithfully answer only what the questioner wants to know, even if there are drawbacks to a step-by-step and holistic understanding. Although not all of the content is about the two of you, most of the questions are directly or indirectly related, so I decided to title the book “Who are Presidents Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Han?”


Part 1 Founder and Family Federation
01. Who do you believe in?
02. What is the difference between Christianity and Christianity?
03. Is Rev. Sun Myung Moon the Savior and Messiah?
04. Why are Presidents Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Han called True Parents?
05. What are the scriptures?
06. What is the meaning of only-begotten son and only-begotten daughter?
07. Do you believe in Jesus as the Savior and Messiah?
08. Why are Christians called heretics or cults?
09. Why was the name of the denomination changed?
10. What is the current status of missionary work?
11. What are you contributing to society and the country?
12. What kind of world are you pursuing?

Part 2 God's Creation and Creation
01. How do we know that God exists?
02. How does God exist?
03. Why is God called Heavenly Parent?
04. What is the purpose of God's creation of man?
05. What was the motive and process of God creating the created world?
06. Do you think men are superior to women?
07. What kind of world is the afterlife and heaven?
08. How do you view the issues of creation and evolution?

Part 3 The Fall of Man and Today's World
01. Are humans good or evil?
02. What is the fruit of good and evil that humans ate and fell?
03. What is the identity of the snake that corrupted human ancestors?
04. What is the purpose of the commandment 'You must not eat it'?
05. What is man's original sin?
06. What is the reason why God did not intervene in the fall of man?
07. What is the relationship between the fall of man and the real world?

Part IV The Salvation and Resurrection of Mankind
01. How do you view history?
02. What are the last days and when?
03. Did Jesus fulfill his mission as Savior?
04. Is there any difference from the heaven in Christianity?
05. Was Jesus' death on the cross predestined by God?
06. How is the theory of reincarnation different from the Second Coming Resurrection?
07. How does the resurrection of the dead take place?
08. Do you believe in the first resurrection according to the Bible?
09. How do you understand the absolute predestination of Christianity?
10. How is salvation accomplished?

Part 5 Who is Jesus?
01. Is Jesus God Himself?
02. How is the Messiah different from humans?
03. What is the purpose of Jesus' second coming?
04. How is heaven on earth achieved?

Part 6 The Providence of Salvation and the Second Coming Lord
01. Do you think God's providence of salvation has been extended?
02. When will the Second Coming Lord come?
03. Will the Second Coming Lord come on clouds?
04. What is the basis for viewing Korea as a chosen people?

Part 7 World Problems and a Vision for Peace
01. What is the fundamental solution to the phenomenon of family breakdown?
02. Why do you emphasize premarital purity and international blessed marriage?
03. Why did President Sun Myung Moon meet with President Kim Il Sung?
04. What activities are you carrying out for the reunification of North and South Korea?
05. What kind of efforts are you making to preserve the global environment?

Product Details
Product Name 문선명·한학자 총재는 누구인가
Price $9.24
Size 152X224mm
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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