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book introduction
Sun Myung Moon, the president of the Unification Church, who has built love and peace on the world stage, tells the true story of his 90 years of life for the first time! A moving drama of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who has lived as a true global citizen, transcending ethnicity and religion! Gorbachev of the Iron Barrier Kremlin, and Kim Il-sung, the last red square on earth, A story that beats more than a drama where everyone had no choice but to open their hearts to the peace and love of Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church!

Sometimes risking their lives, they jumped into the Palestinian region of the global village of gunpowder and became a bridge for world peace by resolving conflicts between countries. Sometimes, they went to the remote areas of Paraguay to solve the food problem of third world countries suffering from hunger and entered the world's lowest President Sun Myung Moon, who embraced the suffering people in the world with love and is still working hard on environmental movements as well as cultural projects such as the Universal Ballet and the International Football Tournament Peace Cup, and caressing all over the world with the hand of peace and love, has not been revealed in the meantime. His tumultuous biography, which was not possible, is revealed to the world for the first time through this book!


Chapter 1 Rice is love
The peace I learned on my father's back
The joy of feeding people
be everyone's friend
clear compass of my life
If you do, Haru-ul is a stubborn person
If you love cows, you will see cows
A cosmic story with grassworms
Japanese people, go back to Japan.

Chapter 2 A river of hearts filled with tears
In the intersection of fear and emotion
The more your heart hurts, the more you love it.
A knife becomes dull if it is not sharpened
The key that unlocks the great secret door
Like a bubbling fireball
King Gojong, a worker's friend
calm sea of mind
Please don't die, hold on
irresistible command
a grain of rice is bigger than the earth
In the snowy Heungnam prison
Prison door opened by UN forces

Chapter 3 The world's fullest man
you are the great teacher of my life
crazy handsome man by the well
A church without a denomination, a church without a church
Expulsion and Resignation Cases from Yantai and Ewha University
Buds bloom even on burnt branches
It hurts, train us
What matters is a sincere heart

Chapter 4 Why our stage is the world
Even if you give up your life, there is a way to go
Earn wisely, spend wisely
The power of gentle dance moves that moved the world
Angels of peace who made a small path deep in the mountains
There is a future in the sea
Last flight to America
Reverend Moon, the seed of the American spiritual revolution
The 1976 Washington Monument, which I couldn't even dream of
Why does my father have to go to jail again?

Chapter 5 A true family completes a true man
My wife, Hakja Han
You are so kind and precious
A promise a couple must keep
Love is giving and forgetting
A peaceful home is the foundation of heaven
Ten years of tears that melted my father-in-law's frozen heart
the true meaning of marriage
True love is in the true home
You must leave behind a grave of love

Chapter 6 If you love, you will be united
The power of religion to make people good
The river does not reject the flowing stream
Allow religious freedom on Soviet lands
The unification of the Korean Peninsula, the unification of the world
Even if the land is divided, the nation cannot be divided.
Withdraw the gun and with true love

Chapter 7 The future of Korea, the future of the world
The Korean Peninsula that rewrites human history
From a land of suffering and tears to a land of peace and love
The ultimate goal of religion in the 21st century
The history of creation in practice as a cultural project
The great opportunity that the ocean age offers us
A dandelion is more precious than gold
How to solve poverty and hunger wisely
Offer bread-making skills rather than bread
Youth, if you set your mind, your life will change.
A global leader is someone who embraces the world
Everything in the world is borrowed from heaven
Happiness lies in living for
Dreaming of a world without conflict

Product Details
Product Name 평화를 사랑하는 세계인으로
Price $13.40
Weight 문선명 총재
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
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