통일사상요강 (개정2판)


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book introduction
Unification ideology refers to a new ideological system based on the unification principle. It is also called Godism or the two-winged ideology. The two-wing ideology means an ideology that embraces the left and right wing on a higher level. Compiled by True Parents in 1972 by Lee Sang-heon, director of the Institute for Unification Thought, this book consists of 11 chapters ranging from original principles to methodologies.

New edition / 824 pages / Issued on January 2, 2001

The entire text is written in Korean. *Only in special cases, written in Chinese characters.

To this day, as a disciple, I have been systematically organizing the ideas I learned from Sun Myung Moon (ideology of unification) under the direction and guidance of the teacher. The writer, who had been troubled along the path of life with numerous life problems, received the teachings of Mr. Moon after entering the school in 1956. had discovered At that time, the teacher's image reflected to me was a treasure trove of truth and a source of thought. Once the Word began, the fountain of thought flowed endlessly for hours on end. There were many times when he was so intoxicated with the thought of the truth he was teaching that he did not know the passing of time. All of those words were truly precious and valuable to me.
However, just like the saying, 'A bead and a word must be threaded for a treasure', if the teacher's precious thought ends only by hearing this, then, just as an unstitched bead is easily lost, not even a single precious word, every single piece of that precious thought. , I couldn't get rid of the concern that a part of it would easily disappear from the world of memory. And since the writer who was worried about life problems was saved by the thought of this truth, he wanted to deliver the chain of these beads (truth) to many people who were struggling like the writers of the past by threading these beads of truth and thought. Thus, he began to organize the many ideas he had taught him as 'the heart of piercing a precious treasure' by himself.
Then, in the summer of 1972, according to Mr. Moon's instructions, I took an opportunity to participate in the Korea-Japan professor friendship conference in Japan, and gave a lecture to the intellectual executives of the Unification Church in Japan, and I got a surprisingly good response. Upon returning home, he gave an order to publish the contents he had compiled in a book, and at the same time created a 'Research Institute for Unification Thought' consisting of 5 to 7 divisions, and gave instructions to develop an ideological movement while continuing to organize the Word. . Thus, the teacher's thoughts were rearranged and the first edition was published in 1973 under the title of "Guideline for Unification Thoughts" by hand under the name of the Institute for Unification Thoughts.

Chapter 1 Principles
I. original content
1. new identity
2. Divinity
II. original structure
1. Relative relationship between appearance and shape
2. Give-and-take action and the 4th position
3. Segmentation
4. Uniformity of the original structure
5. The ideal of creation Ⅲ. Conventional Body Theory and Unification Thought

Chapter 2 Ontology
I. personality truth body
1. Appearance and shape
2. Positive and negative
3. Individual image of the individual truth body
II. overdue
1. What is delinquency
2. Subject and object
3. Existence
4. Person of Being
5. The Law of the Universe

Chapter 3 Nature
I. a divine being
II. a divine being
Ⅲ. a supreme being
IV. conclusion
Ⅴ. The existentialist view of humanity in the Unification Thought

Chapter 4 Value Theory
I. Value Theory and Meaning of Values
II. Principles of Value Theory
Ⅲ. kind of value
IV. essence of value
Ⅴ. Determination of realistic values and value standards
Ⅵ. Vulnerability of conventional values
VII. Establishment of new values
Ⅷ. historical change of values

Chapter 5 Education
I. Principle of Unification Education Theory
II. 3 types of education
Ⅲ. The ideal of the trainee
IV. traditional educational building
Ⅴ. Conventional Education Center in the Unification Thought

Chapter 6 Ethics
I. The Principle of Unification Ethics
II. ethics and morals
Ⅲ. order and equality
IV. The Conventional View of Ethics from the Unification Ethics Theory

Chapter 7 Art Theory
I. Principles of Art Theory
II. art and beauty
Ⅲ. Dual purpose of artistic activity, creation and appreciation
IV. Creativity Requirements
Ⅴ. Creativity, material, style
Ⅵ. Requirements for appreciation
VII. unity of art
Ⅷ. art and ethics
Ⅸ. type of beauty
X. critique of socialist realism

Chapter 8 History
I. The Basic Position of the Unification Hall
II. the law of creation
Ⅲ. law of return
IV. change of history
Ⅴ. traditional historical view
Ⅵ. Comparison between the view of Providence, the view of relics, and the view of Chongilil

Chapter 9 Epistemology
I. conventional epistemology
1. Origin of cognition
2. The nature of the object to be recognized
3. Epistemology as seen from the method
II. unified epistemology
1. Overview of Unification Epistemology
2. Content and Form in Perception
3. Original consciousness, original consciousness and categories
4. Methods of Recognition
5. The process of perception
6. Cognitive processes and physical conditions
Ⅲ. Kant and Macross Epistemology from the Unification Epistemology
1. Kant's critique of epistemology
2. Criticism of Marx's Epistemology

Chapter 10 Logic
I. conventional logic
1. Formal Logic
2. Hegelian Logic
3. Marxist logic
4. Semiotics
5. A priori logic
II. unified logic
1. Basic entry
2. Original logical structure
3. The second stage of the thought process and the formation of the fourth crisis base
Ⅲ. Conventional Logic seen from Unification Logic

Chapter 11 Methodology
I. historical considerations
II. Unification Methodology (Single Method)
Ⅲ. Conventional Methodology from the Unification Methodology


I. symbiosis, co-prosperity, symbiosis
II. 3 major juche ideas
Ⅲ. Significance of the 4th realm of the heart and the 3rd kingdom of the king

information and biographical index

Product Details
Product Name 통일사상요강 (개정2판)
Price $30.00
Size 신국판
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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