참부모님 실록


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Size 170X224mm
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book introduction
This is a record of True Parents’ activities from Christmas to 2016. According to True Parents' providential course, the eras were divided, and the main contents were summarized and recorded as a text by period. The main providence is organized in journal format.

Edition 170×224 / 744 pages / Issued on Feb. 2, 2017

This 『True Parents Annals (實錄)』 is a supplementary and re-edited version of the 『Annals of the Unification Church』 published in 2007, supplementing and re-editing what has happened since then. The period was divided according to the course of the providence, and the main contents were summarized and recorded as a passage. The main providence is organized in journal format. The Annals should describe in detail every move and major events of the subject of record in accordance with the six-fold principle. In that sense, this book does not fit the name of the annals, but the title was given to supplement the existing books. Also, since we have entered the era of Cheon Il Guk beyond the Unification Church era, it is clear that it was named “True Parents’ Annals” as it encompasses the entire history of providence.
This book consists of eight chapters, from True Parents' Christmas and providential preparations to the settlement of Cheon Il Guk and the inheritance of True Parents' traditions. In addition, the contents frequently used by researchers are added as appendices. True Parents' educational background and awards, blessing weddings, eight major holidays and major anniversaries, major lectures, year-end mottos, and 120 holy places around the world can be viewed at a glance.


1920~1959 True Parents' Christmas and providential preparation
1960~1967 True Parents' Holy Marriage and the 1st 7-Year Course
1968~1974 The 2nd 7-year course and the creation of expectations for international activities
1975~1981 The 3rd 7-year course and expansion of world missions
1982~1991 Ending the Cold War and establishing the foundation for a peaceful world
1992~2000 Establishment of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and Completion of Covenant Providence
2001~2012 Establishment of the Kingdom of God and Preparation for the Age of Cheon Il Guk
2013~2016 Settling Cheon Il Guk and Inheriting the Traditions of True Parents

1. True Parents’ academic background and awards
2. Blessing Wedding
3. 8 major holidays and major anniversaries
4. True Parents' Main Lecture
5. New Year's Eve
6. 120 holy places around the world
7. Major Providential Organizations
8. Major educational media companies
9. Major International Conferences
10. World Cultural Sports Festival and Peace Cup

Product Details
Product Name 참부모님 실록
Price $23.11
Size 170X224mm
Weight 선학역사편찬원
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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(주문 후 7일 안에 입금이 안 될 경우 자동으로 그 주문이 취소됩니다.)


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배송조건 : 3만원 이상 무료배송 / 3만원 미만 3,000원 별도


상품 상태에는 많은 신경을 쓰고 있습니다만, 파손 또는 불량의 경우 상품 도착 후 7일 이내에
천원사(전화:02-701-0110, 이메일로 연락해주십시오.

다음의 경우 교환, 반품이 안 됩니다

  • 고객님의 변심 또는 필요 이상의 주문으로 인한 반품
  • 고객님의 과실에 의한 파손된 상품
  • 상품도착 후 7일 이상 날짜가 지났을 경우

교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
교환/환불 가능 기간
고객변심은 출고완료 다음날부터 7일 까지만 교환/환불이 가능함
교환/환불 비용
고객변심 또는 구매착오의 경우에만 반품에 대한 택배비는 고객님이 부담함
교환/환불 불가사유
반품접수 없이 반송하거나, 우편으로 보낼 경우 상품 확인이 어려워 환불이 불가할 수 있음
배송된 상품의 분실, 상품포장이 훼손된 경우, 비닐랩핑된 상품의 비닐 개봉시 교환/반품이 불가능함

소비자 피해보상
소비자 피해보상의 분쟁처리 등에 관한 사항은 소비자분쟁해결기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 비해 보상 받을 수 있음
교환/반품/보증조건 및 품질보증 기준은 소비자기본법에 따른 소비자 분쟁 해결 기준에 따라 피해를 보상 받을 수 있음
도매상 및 제작사 사정에 따라 품절/절판 등의 사유로 주문이 취소될 수 있음  

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