새공산주의 비판


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book introduction
《Critique of New Communism》 is a book that presents Marx's theory of value, view of materialism, and the limitations of dialectical materialism, sharp criticism, and alternatives. The alternative to the view of unification goes beyond the criticism of the view of relics and speaks of a foundation for wise social development in the future.

New version / 328 pages / Issued on May 15, 1986 / Written by Lee Sang-heon

First edition 1st edition Issue date February 25, 1968
2nd edition 1st edition Issue date May 1, 2017

Today, the communist camp is trying to destroy religion and fundamentally destroy the democratic camp by using all sorts of wiles. In order to confront such a communist camp, the liberal democratic camp will inevitably have to come up with some new countermeasures. Therefore, in order for us to win, we must first come up with a theoretical alternative that surpasses the communist ideology, and that alternative must be a religious ideology. It must be a higher system of thought and truth that can unify all religions and all ideas. The free camp will be able to subdue and overcome communism only by quickly establishing or discovering a new ideological system that can achieve religious unification and ideological unification, and by having each religion use it as an ideological common weapon and launch an ideological offensive.
If God, who is the absolute, as all religions believe, is providing the providence, then at this point in historical crisis, he will surely provide on earth the ideology of unification that can unite all religions and ideas in this way. So where can we get it?
The author is convinced that this is the principle of unification that is being widely spread at home and abroad, and is being well received and supported by many intellectuals and religious people. The Unification Principle surprisingly encompasses the essence of all religions and ideas, and fundamentally explains many unresolved religious issues in philosophy. Therefore, this unification principle is used to examine and criticize the theory of communism, and to attempt to overcome it further.
As is well known, the origin of communism was Marx, and those who supplemented it were Lenin and Stalin. However, the main part of Marxist theory is his view of economics and materialism. His economics is a lengthy theory as his last work, Capital Theory (資本論), but the basis of it is the theory of value (價値論). Therefore, the theory of value and the view of materialism (唯物史觀) are becoming the second major weapon of the theory of communism. And it is dialectical materialism that provides the philosophical basis for the communist theory. Therefore, this book intends to criticize these three theories while introducing the main points and to suggest alternatives based on the idea of unification.


Chapter 1 The Environment of the Marxist Era and the Establishment of Marxism
Section 1 Social Background in the Marxist Era
Section 2 Marx's Humanity
Section 3 Establishment of Marxism

Chapter 2 Marx's Value Theory and its Criticism and Alternatives
Section 1. Motives for Establishing Marx's Value Theory
Section 2 Criticism of the Labor Value Theory
Section 3 Criticism of Surplus Value Theory
Section 4 Criticism of the theory of the collapse of capitalism

Chapter 3 Dialectical Materialism and Its Criticism and Alternatives
Section 1 Communist Materialism
Section 2 Criticism and Alternatives to Communist Materialism
Section 3 Dialectic

Chapter 4 View on Relics and its Criticism and Alternatives
Section 1 Legality of Social Development
Section 2 Production Relations
Section 3 Relationship between Foundation and Superstructure
Section 4 Development of Productivity
Section 5 State and Revolution
Section 6 Social Development and Different Forms of Production Relations
Section 7 Overview of the Unification Hall
Section 8 Criticism of the Relics Viewpoint and Alternatives by the Unification Viewpoint

Marx's error
Reasons for the spread of communist ideas
What will capitalism look like in the future?
correct economic policy
new psyche
the future society

Product Details
Product Name 새공산주의 비판
Price $11.09
Size 신국판
Weight 이상헌
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
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