김일성 주체사상 비판


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book introduction
This is a new compilation of a book written by Lee Sang-heon in 1989 because it was impossible to see the chaos of the times in 2017. It is a book that fits the phrase “Come and Jishin”, and it is a book that sounds an alarm to those who follow the fallen and failed Kim Il-sung Juche ideology.

New version / 200 pages / Published on September 12, 2017 / Written by Lee Sang-heon

In July 1989, Lee Sang-heon wrote Critique of Kim Il-sung's Juche Ideology. The content of this book is to briefly introduce and criticize Kim Jong-il's 1982 book, On the Juche Idea. In the original book, the critique of Kim Il-sung's Juche idea is listed first, followed by the introduction. Although the original text was mixed with Chinese characters, it was re-edited mainly in Hangeul for younger readers. It will help readers to get rid of the overestimation of the Juche idea and to properly understand the insignificant identity of a level that cannot even be called a philosophy or an ideology.
As of 2017, 28 years after 1989, almost all communist countries on the planet have disappeared and only a few remain. People's Republic of China (China), Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam), Republic of Cuba (Cuba), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), etc. Among these, South Korea does not have many difficulties in trade and diplomacy with other socialist countries that have introduced a market economy, except for North Korea. However, North Korea, which is a particularly kin, has been in a state of sharp conflict for 70 years due to division, war, and a ceasefire. These days, nuclear and missile asymmetric weapons are becoming a threat not only to South Korea, but also to the United States and Japan, as well as the rest of the world. Where is that? There is another asymmetric weapon they have in South Korea. Those are the shoguns who are active in various fields inside South Korea. We need to know the ideological and ideological identity of the shoguns who are trying to overthrow the Republic of Korea and overcome criticism, so that all the people share a sense of vocation that we can protect this country and our future generations, and we need to understand the falsehood of the communist and socialist ideologies and their malicious variants. I do not wish to be able to cope with the mere Kim Il-sung Juche idea. That is also the reason for republishing this book.
Finally, I would like to conclude with a 'new preface' by asking you to remember the one-word quotes left by the great German philosopher Kant in The Critique of Pure Reason.

“Thoughts without contents are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.”
The communist ideology and Juche ideology and its system, which are decorated with lies and fiction, eventually collapse in vain, and if there is clarity, experience, and achievements, but the ideology and ideology are poor, the ship is lost in the mountains.

This is an aphorism with many implications for both the left and the right in Korea.

new header

Part 1 What is Kim Il-sung's Juche Ideology?
1. The main point of the philosophical principle of the Juche idea
2. Application of the philosophical principle of the Juche idea

Part 2 Criticism of Kim Il-sung's Juche Idea
1. Critique of Philosophical Principles (People-Centered Theory)
2. Criticism of Social History Principles (Juche View)
3. Other criticism

Part 3 Causes of the spread of communism in Korea

concluding remarks

Korea in crisis, the solution lies in Dooik ideology



About the author
Sangheon Lee graduated from Hamheung High School, Hwimun High School, and then Boseong High School. I woke up early to the anti-Japanese national movement, and in the middle, I was imprisoned for a year due to a 'student incident'. After going through high school three times, he entered Severance Medical School as a latecomer (22 years old), graduating in February 1940. It is said that there was a time when he decided that he would be single for the rest of his life in order to devote his life to the national independence movement. After graduating from university under Japanese rule, he served as the head of Severance Hospital, Wonsan Salvation Hospital, Yeongdong Salvation Army Hospital, Chungbuk Provincial Yeongdong Hospital, and the Department of Internal Medicine at Pusan National University Christian Hospital. I watched the chaos, and eventually went through national catastrophes such as the division of South and North Korea and the Korean War. As a family, I had to bear the sorrow of separation from my parents and other brothers who were still in my hometown. Around that time, in 1956, when he was 42 years old, he met Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012), a world-famous leader in the succession and construction ideology, and came into contact with the idea of unification. Through the encounter with the ideology of unification, he discovered the philosophical worldview that guided him on the path to overcoming and criticizing Marxism-Leninism, which he had been risking his life for until then. That was the discovery of 'methodical uniqueism' that could replace 'dialectical materialism', the worldview of Marxism-Leninism.
From that point on, he was determined to devote the rest of his life to formulating a theory that would overcome communist thought. In presenting systematic and theoretical criticisms and alternatives on the philosophy of communism, human view, world view, history view, capitalism, political economy, state and revolution, etc. It was all dedicated. Its representative fruits are 『Critique of New Communism』 (Korean, Japanese, English, 1968), 『The End of Communism』 (February 1984 in Japanese, June 1985 in English, May 1986 in Korean), and Principles of Unification Thoughts ( 1993, Korean, Japanese, English), etc. He did not end with these writings and publications, but as the president of the International Victory Federation, he conducted more than 500 seminars, symposiums, and lectures for intellectuals in Japan, the United States, and Europe, as well as Korea, in the 1980s and 1990s.
During the six months of writing The Criticism of New Communism (1968), Mr. Lee Sang-heon visited intelligent communist ideologues in Daejeon Prison and held a discussion for criticism and objection to the communist theory. It is known that it has been verified to subdue. Then, in July 1989, Lee Sang-heon wrote Critique of Kim Il-sung's Juche Ideology. The content of this book is to briefly introduce and criticize Kim Jong-il's 1982 book, On the Juche Idea.
<From the preface to the critique of Kim Il-sung's Juche idea>
Product Details
Product Name 김일성 주체사상 비판
Price $9.24
Size 신국판
Weight 이상헌
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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