공산주의의 종언


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book introduction
Communism, which has dreamed of an ideal world, has omitted God from its central value. 《The End of Communism》 is a book that introduces and criticizes the materialism and view of materialism of other Western philosophers besides Marx. In particular, it points out the fundamental errors of Marx's theory of human alienation and suggests a new alternative through the theory of human alienation in the unification ideology.

New version / 528 pages / Issued on May 15, 1986 / Written by Lee Sang-heon

This book was already published as a Japanese version of 《共産Principalismの終焉》 in February 1984, followed by an English version of 《The End of Communism》 published in June 1985. Because this book is based on the ideology of Sun Myung Moon, who is developing a global victory movement, the foreign language version was published earlier than the Korean version because the prompt publication of this book was required in light of the urgency of the providential situation in Japan and Europe at the time. Readers, please understand.
Since the first publication of this book, the situation in the free world, in the communist world, and domestically and internationally, has continued to change. In both worlds, social contradictions and maladies have increased more and more. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the communist leaders for a long time expressed their skepticism about Marxism-Leninism, which they believed to ensure the realization of their ideal society, a communist society, and made changes in economic policy.
This fact is a self-confession to confess that the Marxist-Leninism that promised the realization of the ideal society has, in fact, completely failed to realize the ideal. As stated in the conclusion of this book, this indicates that the manipulation of the communist system is ringing, and at the same time, it means that Marxism-Leninism is practically over (the end of communism).
So, what is communism like today? First, in the present communist society, it is not an ideology for the realization of an ideal society, but a simple means of suppressing the masses while maintaining dictatorship power. It has become an imperialist means of aggression that deceives the country and seeks internal collapse.
Even though communism as an ideology of the realization of ideals is practically over, today's communism (especially Soviet communism), which has been transformed into a means of deception and aggression, is increasing the threat to humanity more and more day by day. Here, I think the necessity of a thorough critique of the communist theory system and the necessity of this book that suggests alternatives to it may be acknowledged.

Seo frozen

Chapter 1 Marx's Extra-Field Theory
1. Significance of Study of 「Marx's Theory of Alienation」
2. Conditions for Ideology and Marx
3. Influence of Hegel's Philosophy on Marx
4. The era of the main editor of the Line newspaper
5. Marx's Criticism of Hegel
6. Economic Studies and Human Alienation
7. Formation of Marx's Revolutionary Theory
8. Early socialism and early communism
9. Marxism as an extension of the theory of alienation

Chapter 2 Criticism of Communist Materialism and its Alternatives
1. Partisanship in theory and practice and philosophy
2. Mechanical Materialism and Peuerbachian Materialism
3. Material view
4. Idealism and Materialism
5. Superstructure and Substructure as Mind and Matter
6. Mobility of matter
7. Human view of communist materialism

Chapter 3 Criticism of Material Dialectics and its Alternatives
1. Overview of the history of dialectics
2. Hegel's Dialectic of Ideas and Marx's Dialectic of Materialism
3. Criticism of material dialectics and its alternatives
4. The fallacy of material dialectics

Chapter 4 Early Criticism of the Relic View and its Alternatives
1. Formation of the Museum of Relics
2. Relics view and its criticism and alternatives
3. The Fiction of the Establishment of the Museum of Relics
4. Overview of the Unification Hall

Chapter 5 Criticism of Marxist Epistemology and its Alternatives
1. Conventional Epistemology
2. Marxist epistemology
3. Unification Epistemology
4. Criticism of Marxist Epistemology

Chapter 6 Criticism of Marxist Economics and its Alternatives
1. Labor Value Theory and its Criticism and Alternatives
2. Conventional Value Theory and Unification Thought in Economics
3. The Surplus Value Theory and Its Criticism and Alternatives
4. Criticism of the laws of economic movement in capitalist society

Chapter 7 The collapse of the socialist economy and its causes
1. Socialism/Communism Construction Theory
2. Criticism of socialist and communist construction theory from the actual situation
3. Causes of the Soviet economic stagnation

Chapter 8 Criticism and Alternatives to Marx's Theory of Human Alienation
1. Marx's theory of alienation and communism
2. The fallacy of Marx's theory of alienation
3. Return to Marx's starting point
4. Human Alienation of Unification Thought


Product Details
Product Name 공산주의의 종언
Price $13.87
Size 신국판
Weight 이상헌
Language 한국어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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