Guidance for Heavenly Tradition 하늘 전통의 소개 3


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book introduction
Guide to Heavenly Tradition is a collection of sermons by President Young-Hwi Kim, and was published in London, England in 1984. In response to the recent re-publishing request, the revised edition was published by the Korean Family Federation and printed by Seonghwasa.
Guidance for Heavenly Tradition, a collection of sermons by Rev. Kim Young Hwi in four volumes, was first published in 1984 in London, England. Recently, in response to requests for a reprinting, this updated edition was published by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Seoul, Korea, printed by Sung Hwa Publishing Co.

KIM YOUNG HWI / 2016.3.29 / New version / 288

KIM YOUNG HWI / 2016.5.6 / New version / 360

KIM YOUNG HWI / 2016.7.8 / New version / 360

Kim Young Hwi is among the earliest members of the Unification Church and is one of the first three couples who were blessed in 1960. Before coming to Europe in 1982, he had already served for almost twelve years as the president of the Korean Unification Church, during which time he also wrote two Divine Principle study guides which have been widely used throughout the world.
This volume of speeches is the third in a series which covers the time from President Kim’s arrival in Europe in 1982 to his departure in 1986, when he returned to Korea. The speeches contained in this collection are the fruit of President Kim’s intensive study of the Divine Principle teaching as well as his many years of living, working, and praying alongside the founder of the Unification Church, Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
It is in the spirit of the motto of the founder, “Let us go forward with the body of a servant and the heart of a father, sowing sweat for
earth, tears for humanity, and blood for Heaven,” that this new volume is offered as a source of inspiration and practical guidance for all members of the international Unification Church.
15 August 1989

1. Tradition and Our Way of Life
2. Gaining Gods Recognition as Children
3. Repentance, Unity and Determination
4. Closing Address: Deutschlandtreffen
5. Witnessing and Our Education
6. Our Pledge
7. Our Responsibility as Gods Children
8. Fathers Ministry: Past and Present
9. The Day of Victory of Heaven
10. France
11. Luxembourg
12. Become a Person God Needs
13. Training in Heart
14. Let Us Make God a Happy God
15. Your Mission as IWs
16. Inheriting True Parents Character
17. A Perfected Persons Life-style
18. Overcoming the Past
19. The Public Relations Mission
20. The Battle Between God and Satan
21. Starting the Third Decade in Europe
22. What Is Important in Life?
23. The Value of Our Weaknesses
24. Preparing for the New Year
25. Eight Steps to True Love
26. Victory of Love
27. Our source of Happiness
28. Living Our Lives With God
29. Ideal Relationships
30. The Physical Aspect of Perfection
31. Heart and Intellect
32. Can Communism Establish the Ideal?
33. The Value of Being a Leader
34. Our Mission as Leaders
35. Business and the Ideal World
36. Our Attitude and Our Fortune
37. The True Way of Filial Piety
38. Physical and Spiritual Life
39. Blessed Life
40. Restoration of All Things

Product Details
Product Name Guidance for Heavenly Tradition 하늘 전통의 소개 3
Price $11.09
Weight 김영휘
Language 영어
Domestic / International Shipping oversea delivery
Shipping (Charge) International Shipping Fee
Payment for Shipping DHL



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배송조건 : 3만원 이상 무료배송 / 3만원 미만 3,000원 별도


상품 상태에는 많은 신경을 쓰고 있습니다만, 파손 또는 불량의 경우 상품 도착 후 7일 이내에
천원사(전화:02-701-0110, 이메일로 연락해주십시오.

다음의 경우 교환, 반품이 안 됩니다

  • 고객님의 변심 또는 필요 이상의 주문으로 인한 반품
  • 고객님의 과실에 의한 파손된 상품
  • 상품도착 후 7일 이상 날짜가 지났을 경우

교환/환불 방법
‘마이페이지 > 취소/반품/교환/환불’ 에서 신청함, 1:1 문의 게시판 또는 고객센터 이용 가능
교환/환불 가능 기간
고객변심은 출고완료 다음날부터 7일 까지만 교환/환불이 가능함
교환/환불 비용
고객변심 또는 구매착오의 경우에만 반품에 대한 택배비는 고객님이 부담함
교환/환불 불가사유
반품접수 없이 반송하거나, 우편으로 보낼 경우 상품 확인이 어려워 환불이 불가할 수 있음
배송된 상품의 분실, 상품포장이 훼손된 경우, 비닐랩핑된 상품의 비닐 개봉시 교환/반품이 불가능함

소비자 피해보상
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